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Aeronautical Chart Reading



Aviation charts started with the “Mail Pilots” who needed a way of getting from point “A” to point “B” before there were things like radio beacons and GPS. That form of flying was called “Pilotage” and “Dead Reckoning” and its still used today in VFR flying. Every pilot must show competence in reading charts and getting from “A” to “B” by using them. This class will explore today’s charts, how to use them and what they can tell us. Like all maps, there are symbols that need to be understood and even some “secrets” to be revealed. Some attention will be given to the most important instrument in the airplane (other than the fuel gauge) - the basic “Whisky Compass”.



Instructor: Capt. Robert Ross


Course Duration: 50

Course Maximum Capacity: Check Registration Site

Course Cost: $0




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