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Practical Philosophy



Everyone says Philosophy is useless, that it is just a class or a field that we do not need anymore. Simply false. What if I told you that modern philosophers use their ideas so intensely that they change our fundamental understanding of Science itself? Philosophy is used so much today that you have been using it right now! You’ve decided to sign up for CPC because of its benefits. You make decisions in CAP by narrowing down the answer. Everything you do, philosophers have taught you! It is used so much it is one of only two departments you can Minor in at USAFA. So, what is this class about? Here is a list of items.


 Using Philosophy in every decision.

 Expelling the notion that Philosophy is a “Dead Sport to Play”

 Winning any argument.

 Always knowing what you are talking about to better per sway people.

 Respectfully challenging ideas and customs.

 Always knowing the way to the right answer.

 How to continue your knowledge.


We will be using books written by philosophers, our Learn-To-Lead books and even Crash Course Philosophy a free web series hosted by Hank Green. Sign up now!


Instructor: C/2nd Lt Ryan Casa


Course Duration: 50

Course Maximum Capacity: Check Registration Site

Course Cost: $0




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